Contact Securus Technologies Customer Service
Securus Technologies Phone Numbers and Emails
Toll-Free Number:
(800) 844-6591International
Customer Service:
(972) 734-1111Calling from mobile device
(877) 578-3658Securus Video Connect Information
(800) 524-5547Privacy Inquiries
Securus Technologies Emails:
Securus Technologies Customer Service Overview
The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.
Securus Technologies Customer Service is rated at 1.5 out of 5. Consumers who contact the company are mostly dissatisfied. More commonly used way of contact is by phone.
The best phone number to call Securus Technologies is 8008446591. 64% of consumers used this number to address their issues and concerns. It is also considered the best number to call, as 46% of customers reported contacting a real person successfully.
The average hold time is more than 30 min. The longest wait times are on Friday, while the shortest are on Sunday. The average call time is 4 minutes.
Be prepared for the call as Securus Technologies may ask you for the following information to identify you as a customer: first and last name, phone number or email.
The aggregated data is based on calls made from website and questionnaires provided by users.
Securus Technologies Customer Service is rated at 1.5 out of 5. Consumers who contact the company are mostly dissatisfied. More commonly used way of contact is by phone.
The best phone number to call Securus Technologies is 8008446591. 64% of consumers used this number to address their issues and concerns. It is also considered the best number to call, as 46% of customers reported contacting a real person successfully.
The average hold time is more than 30 min. The longest wait times are on Friday, while the shortest are on Sunday. The average call time is 4 minutes.
Be prepared for the call as Securus Technologies may ask you for the following information to identify you as a customer: first and last name, phone number or email.
People call Securus Technologies mainly because of account, request for information, payments and charges.
15% of the consumers who called the company’s customer support stated that their issues were resolved.
Most customers feel very unsatisfied after talking to customer service representatives.
The best email to contact Securus Technologies is 52% of customers use this email address to address their issues and concerns.
Customers evaluated the effort they needed to make to contact customer service as neither easy nor difficult.
Contact Information
Securus Technologies Website:
Securus Technologies Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Other Info (opening hours):
Mailing Addresses:
General Correspondence
PO Box 1109
Dallas, Texas 75001
Securus Correctional Billing Services
PO Box 650757
Dallas, Texas 75265-0757
How Good is Securus Technologies's Customer Service?
Summary of Securus Technologies Customer Service Calls
Top Reasons of Customers Calls
Consumers Call the Most From
Why Do People Call Securus Technologies?
Account Question:
- “Check account”
- “Add money to account”
- “Add money to inmate acct.”
Request for Information Question:
- “I received a call last night an as I was trying to accept the call I hit the wrong button I hit the button that block the call how can I reverse that”
- “I'm trying to get in contact with my loved one”
- “I have questions”
Payments and Charges Question:
- “I was charged without having an open account in years”
- “Trying to put money on somebody’s pin debit”
- “Can't add money to debit account”
Refund Question:
- “Refund”
- “I put money in the wrong place I need it too be refunded please”
- “How long does it take to get your refund back from your phone”
Product/ Service Question:
- “My call tonight didn't connect could not hear and was billed for it”
- “Broken tablet”
- “Technical dificulties”
Cards Question:
- “Unable to add card tyoe”
- “My card”
- “Declined card for funds”
Return/ Replace Question:
- “Change number”
- “I’m unsure if this is the number to add money for my son to call me from a State Correctional Facility”
- “Change my email”
Shipping and Delivery Question:
- “I purchased stamps and didn’t get them”
- “Calls from prison are not coming through”
- “I'm having problems with my video chats. Disappearing, and when I do get them, they disappear”
Activation/ Cancellation Question:
- “Took money from an canceled video visit from the site”
- “Need to cancel old account and set up a new one”
- “Cancel axcount”
Staff Question:
- “Trying to get telephone service”
- “I paid for service but not receiving service.”
- “Tried using your services three times first time money went where it's supposed to second time it didn't go on his phone calls they went to his commissary fine third time I don't even know where the money went and I can't even talk to a human”
Website/ Application Question:
- “App won’t work after putting funds on the account”
- “To get help to get site up”
- “To see if you'll have any issues with the app online”
Employment Question:
- “Pay off debt”
- “Employment”
- “Job opportunity”
Other Question:
- “I hit block by mistake”
- “Inmate needs new tablet”
- “Transfer money to new number”
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Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future.